If a property owner needs to report that a light is damaged, dim or completely out, they should call 501/516-0041 and email stcharleslid@gmail.com to report it.  It is requested that they leave their name, phone number, the address of the light and the light number (on the base of the light).  They will not receive a call back unless they specifically request one, or if we need additional information. 
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Page last updated  2/14/25
St. Charles Municipal Lighting Improvement District was created for the purpose of installing and maintaining street lights in our neighborhood. The District, while made up of St. Charles residents, is a separate entity from the St. Charles Community Association.

Commissioners include: Heather Starnes and Chris Anne. Special thanks to Patrick Mathieu for her many years of service.

Any comments or questions regarding solar lights may be directed to the Lighting Improvement District's contact number at 501/516-0041 or emailed to stcharleslid@gmail.com

Lighting Improvement District Historic Data

The Lighting Improvement District operates and is funded separately from the St. Charles Community Association. The following is a timeline of the history and status of the St. Charles Lighting Improvement District.

1986Neighborhood developed by Winrock originally without lights.
1998St. Charles neighborhood elected to install gas lights through a petition to tax. Funding for construction and installation was established through
                bond issue. Little allowance was set aside for maintenance.
1999 Implementation of gas light plan. For several reasons this decision was made, although the neighborhood is likely the only one in Arkansas to utilize
                high pressure natural gas for lighting. The natural gas mains run beneath the street and in front of most homes, making access to the source of
                energy very cost-effective.
2001 Lighting installation was complete.
2003 Arkla/Centerpoint exited the maintenance business requiring St. Charles to take over maintenance.
2004 It was discovered that LID was to have a commission. Neighborhood leader passed away and much of the knowledge and information became
2005        First commissioners were selected. New commission gathered data to understand the lighting situation.
- Maintenance contractor was engaged on a   regular basis.
- Hurricane Katrina struck in August. Hurricane  Rita struck in September. Both contributing to a quick spike in natural gas prices.
- A significant amount of deferred maintenance became apparent as lights started failing regularly.
2006      Commission discovers current cash flow from the bond issue did not provide adequate funds for maintenance and energy expense.
-  Borrowed from the POA to pay bills.
-  Opened a line of credit to pay back the POA and pay bills.
- Held two public meetings communicating to the neighborhood.
- Significant support for keeping the lights on.
- Began the proceedings to increase the annual assessment.
- First regular maintenance schedule put in place  with a tracking process.
2007Increased assessment is approved in February. Average increase is $12/mo per resident.
2008Solar demo light installed May 1, 2008. Cellular call number (501-786-1543) established.
2009Brenda CarlLee assumes maintenance coordinator role.
2010Maintenance current. Gas prices decline. Solar demo light functioning well.
2018        Irrepairable gas lights are being replaced with solar lights.
2019        All gas lights replaced with solar lights
2025        Brighter solar light heads installed

Lighting Improvement District Report - Annual Meeting 2025

Issues on getting supplies and replacement parts for our old solar lights were discussed. New fixtures are being installed through the end of this year. 

Some new fixtures are silver and some are black. The LID will be grouping the silver fixtures together and the black fixtures together. There are currently 18 lights that are not working and there are 75 fixtures on order. 

Money to buy/repair lights is paid through the annual charge on your property tax bill for St. Charles residences. It does not include St. Thomas residences as they have electric lights.