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Little Rock Police Department has the following suggestions for residents:
Page last updated 2/14/25

Speeding Patrols in St. Charles

Speeding vehicles continue to plague our community and, in response to calls from concerned residents, the LRPD has sent motorcycle officers to 
monitor speeding.  Please drive within the speed limit and stop fully at all stop signs to avoid receiving a ticket.  The streets being heavily 
patrolled are St. Michael Drive, Loyola Drive and St. Charles Boulevard.  

Residents are encouraged to call the police if unsafe driving in the community is observed.  Be a responsible neighbor and help avoid a tragic
accident.  Drive the speed limit!

Call the LRPD Northwest Precinct Station at 918-3500 to report speeding, reckless driving and to request speed patrols.
Information on Solicitors
Many residents have asked about solicitors in the community. The LRPD has provided this information to help residents.
Door-to-door solicitors should have a Solicitor's Permit from the Treasury Management Division of the City of Little Rock Finance Department. The permit can be a "For-Profit" or "Non-Profit". If you choose to talk to them, immediately ask to see their permit and if they don't have it, call the LRPD at 371-4829.
Be wary of salespersons who start their sales pitch by saying they are "just taking a survey" or "trying to get rid of extra inventory".
Look very closely at the deals that offer "free gifts" and that depend on the purchase of another product or a packaged deal.
Do not ever let a salesperson into your home unless you have proper identification and have determined exactly what he or she wants.
No matter how attractive an offer appears, refrain from making an immediate purchase. It is wise to take a couple of days to consider the actual offer or deal presented.
Take time to compare the salesperson's price and product with others.
National Sex Offender Database
To access the Arkansas Crime Information Center database, go to www.acic.org.  Follow the link to locate offenders pictures, addresses and violations.
Join St. Charles Crime Watch

Do you want to help reduce your chances of being a victim of crime? Join the St. Charles CrimeWatch email list and do your part to help keep your home and family safe. Please report any type of crime you see being committed, no matter how small. We have the same type of crimes that most of the city of Little  Rock has; cars broken into, items left outside being taken or vandalized, trespassers, drivers who drive in the walking/jogging lane or who won't obey the 30 mph speed limit, etc. If we stay proactive and protect our homes and belongings, we reduce the likelihood  of crimes for ourselves individually, and for the whole neighborhood. 

Please email Crime Watch Coordinator, Heather Starnes at stcharleslrwatch@hotmail.com or
call her at 501/516-0041 to be added to the Crime Watch email list. 

St. Charles Crime Watch is on X (formerly Twitter)!  Follow us:  @SCAACrimeWatch
For tips to avoid becoming a victim of crime, click here 
LRPD Contacts

LRPD Non-Emergency Line (Speeding, parking, non-crime issues) 501/371-4829
LRPD Non-Emergency Line (Speeding, parking, non-crime issues) 

Download YourLRPD app to see all activities in the vicinity 

NW Division Commander
Major Brittany Gunn
Office: 501/912-9740

Lt. Aaron Smith, NW Division COP (Special Assignments)
Office: 501/918-3506
Cell: 501/351-5588​

Chief Heath Helton
Office: 501/371-4605

Reporting Crimes by Telephone and Online

The City of Little Rock has Telephone Reporting Unit (TRU). The Unit is for reporting things that don't require 911  such as lost license plate, after-the-fact theft reports, even fraudulent use of a credit card, 

The phone number is 501/918-4397 and is staffed from 9:30-6:00 M-F. You can email tru@littlerock.gov 

LRPD has recently launched an online reporting system. Citizens can now go online submit an official police report for the items below using www.littlerock.gov/onlinereport

Breaking or EnteringCriminal MischiefForgeryFraudulent Use of Credit/Debit Card
Identity TheftInformation Report    Lost Property    Mail/Package Theft
Interference with Visitation    Private Property Accident       Theft     Shoplifting (Business filers only)
Terroristic Threatening   Harassing Communications
While You're in the Yard...

It seems more people are out fixing up their lawns and gardens now that Spring is here. The Little Rock Police Department wants to remind everyone how important landscaping is when it comes to deterring crime.

Take it - Hide it - Lock it

Prevent thefts from vehicles this holiday season. When parking at the tennis courts, parks or in your driveway, do not leave ANYTHING inside. Don't tempt thieves by leaving anything in plain view. 
Click here for Crime Watch Report February 2025